«Praise be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost ...»
In (Catholic) Switzerland there are currently (2011) about 80 (eighty!) monastic communities. The Benedictines (male and female) are to be found most frequently in the Swiss religious landscape.
Monasteries are holy places that primarily serve worship and veneration of the Holy Trinity as expressed in the Liturgy of the Hours: «Praise be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, as in the beginning, so now, and for ever, without end, amen.»
This is also how Christians outside the monasteries pray. But the Liturgy of the Hours was, and still is, certainly said most frequently in monasteries. Worshipping the holiest of holies and the intercessory prayer for people and the world make monasteries holy places, too. Contemplative Christians are convinced that praying unremittingly benefits mankind and the world.