St Germanus
The brave Abbot of Grandval (died AD 675)
Germanus was a monk, and for a time was at the Luxeuil Columban monastery. Later he was abbot at the newly established Grandval Abbey near Moutier. He opposed the secular ruler because of exploitation of the poor and pilfering from monasteries and churches, and spoke out for the people, who were suffering under the turmoil of war. On 21 February 675 he visited Adalrich, Duke of the Alemanni, to discuss these matters but he and the monk accompanying him, Randoald, were murdered by Adalrich’s mercenaries near present day Courtételle. The martyr’s relics are venerated today in the Saint-Marcel parish church in Delsberg/Delémont; St Germanus’ crozier is on display in the Musée Jurassien in Delsberg.
St Germanus’ feast day is 21 February.