Roman Catholic Switzerland

From Lake Geneva to the Alpine peaks.

Diocese of Sitten

The «cradle» of Christianity in Switzerland

The Diocese of Sitten can be regarded as the «cradle» of Christianity in Switzerland because two of Christianity’s earliest witnesses on Swiss soil can be found within the territory of the Bishop of Sitten: the Christus-Zeichen (Sign of Christ) in Sitten and St Maurice’s Abbey at Agaune, the place where St Maurice and his Theban companions were martyred. St Theodorus (or Joder as he is also known) is the patron saint of the Diocese of Sitten.

With the exception of the area of the territorial abbacy of St. Maurice d'Agaune and the St. Gingolphe lakeside community, the Diocese of Sitten covers the whole of the canton of Valais, from Lake Geneva up to the Grimsel Pass, which is the watershed between the Mediterranean and the North Sea. The district of Aigle in Vaud also belongs to the Diocese of Sitten..

-->Diocese of Sitten --> Cathedral --> Sitten/Sion --> St Theodul


Last modified: 2.11.11