The heart of the Catholic faith
A heartfelt matter for believing Catholics
«Lift up your hearts!» With this call we Catholic Christians begin the prayer that we regard as the great thanksgiving: the Eucharist. We give thanks that Jesus Christ is among us – in bread and wine, as a sign his loving devotion. We do this, as He commanded us, in remembrance of Him. This is a heartfelt matter for us. It unites us with Him and with each other. We experience companionship and gain strength for our daily tasks. We receive what we are: the Body of Christ. And we accept the call to be bread for each other.
In this way, not only does Jesus Christ stay present in our hearts, we also convey Him in word and deed to the people. As a sign of that what truly nourishes us, the «transformed bread», the Bread of Life, is also present today in the tabernacle of our churches: it is the holiest of holies for us believing Catholics. Not something temporary. A lasting symbol of the hope and happiness in our hearts.